Sunday, December 12, 2010

My new Speech Expirience

I think that as a personal opinion I did a bad presentation, one of the reasons was because I had a different audience from my other presentation, I dint know what to expect from them and I also dint know how were they going to react to my presentation. I think this presentation is going to really help me in future presentations because I learn that I have to demonstrate different emotions and voice volume depending on what audience I’m facing. I was freaked out when I saw how out of topic were some questions the kids did, I even forget some things that I plan for the presentation, but they are only kids the one that had to adapt was me. In future presentations I know that I need to put a lot of energy and maintain in contact with the audience at every moment because as fast as you close your eyes little kids will probably feel bored.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Introduction and Conclusion

As a attention getter I will start the presentation by asking who likes cheescake and inmediatly after asking that ask if they like oreo cookies. I'm sure that most of the kids will agree in saying yes they like.
And I'm going to tell the kids that is good to learn to bake cheescake because it could a be a good dessert on a formal or informal dinner. And also remark the idea that they can desestress and have a good time with their family while they are making the cheescake and is not only fun to make it but is delicious to have sucha wonderfull dessert.
After this I will start the instructions and making the process myself. And as a conclusion I will give a piece of cheescake to each one of the students and then end by asking them did you like it, and follow by theses make a little joke saying that hopefully their next dessert will be the oreo cheescake.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Oreo Cheescake

I choose the cheescake because is something everyone likes and its delicious. And is also one of the few cooking things that i learned how to make.
Cream cheese
Oreo cookies
melted butter
Mix cream cheese and sugar together. Beat well. Add remaining ingredients. Beat again well.
Pour one-half filling into crust. Sprinkle with 1 to 2 cups broken Oreo's. Pour remaining half of filling mixture onto Oreo's.
Bake 425 degrees 15 minutes. Lower oven temperature and bake remaining 50 minutes.
Refrigerate and top with topping

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My first public communications speech

Making a summary of all my nervous all my research and preparation I missed a few things on my speech. But the thin is that it was much easier when I practiced alone at my home, and having a audience made me nervous. But in a final review I think I did well and the teachers comments were not bad.
Some of my problems were sorrounded by my english th words dint came so fluid as if I was alone practicing, I made many mistakes but I tried to recover from them faster as I could. Talking of my information collected it was ok, but the problem was that I tried to get on my mind my whole speech so that caused a trouble because I forgot to mentioned some facts and that was a reciprocal to the lack of confindence on myself.
Other thing was my pausation and the tone of voice to recall something I dint used it much.the good thing was that I mantain eye contact with the audience and that I separate the personal opinion from the data collected on my research. My body posture according to me it was ok I dint seem to be loafing around or start dancing around the table.
This speech teached me many good things specially things I will need in my college.